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  • Muchotabaco


    International Premium Cigar Brands


    At Mucho Tabaco, we are passionate about offering a carefully curated selection of premium cigars from some of the finest regions in the world. Our collection features hand-rolled cigars crafted from exotic, high-quality tobaccos, each blend chosen for its exceptional flavor, smoothness, and craftsmanship.


    Whether you're an experienced aficionado or new to the world of cigars, Mucho Tabaco provides something for every palate. From premium blends to competitively priced options, our brands are a celebration of tradition, quality, and the art of cigar making. Explore our exclusive selections and discover your next favorite smoke.

  • Marca Fina


    Marca Fina is a distinguished brand offering premium handmade cigars crafted from high-quality tobaccos sourced from various countries. Each cigar bundle is uniquely wrapped in jute cloth, giving it a natural and traditional appeal. Known for their exotic blends, these cigars are hand-rolled to perfection and well-priced, making them an excellent choice for aficionados seeking a refined smoking experience without compromise on quality.


    Marca Fina Series:

    - Panama

    - Nicaragua

    - Honduras

    - Brazil

    - Ecuador

    - Dominicana

    Alejandro Lopez


    The Alejandro Lopez brand features expertly crafted cigars using exquisite blends from the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua. Each cigar is hand-rolled with the finest filler and wrapper, presented in bundle packaging for convenience. Alejandro Lopez cigars deliver a rich, satisfying smoke, making them a top choice for connoisseurs who appreciate the fusion of premium tobaccos in every draw.


    Alejandro Lopez Series:

    - Dominicana Clasico

    - Dominicana Maduro

    - Nicaragua Clasico


    Astoria de Nicaragua

    Astoria de Nicaragua brings the rich heritage of Nicaraguan tobacco to the forefront with its competitively priced, handmade cigars. Known for their excellent craftsmanship, these bundle-wrapped cigars offer a smooth, satisfying smoke with a robust flavor profile. Whether you are a seasoned smoker or a newcomer, Astoria de Nicaragua delivers high-quality cigars at an incredible value.

  • Quality

    Our quality commitment revolves around offering only the finest, hand-selected cigars crafted with precision and care. We partner with trusted tobacco growers who adhere to sustainable farming practices, ensuring every leaf used in our cigars meets the highest standards. From cultivation to production, we prioritize attention to detail, blending expertise, and maintaining consistent flavor profiles. Our cigars are crafted by experienced artisans, guaranteeing an exceptional smoking experience with every purchase. Quality control is at the heart of what we do, ensuring our customers receive nothing but the best with every cigar.

  • International Distribution

    Globally distributed by:


    KOPP Tobaccos GmbH & Co. KG


    Hermann-Löns-Weg 36, 25462 Rellingen


    +49 4101 776680





  • Let's get in touch!